Water: A Poetry Sampler

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.

~Loren Eiseley, nature writer

So many of the poems we read in our last open reading period were devoted to themes involving water that we’ve grouped together a sampler to showcase the chaotic and creative powers of water: source of dreams, symbol of rebirth and renewal, the liquid place where memory lives. From creeks to the open seas, these poems offer a shelter and build a respite against the tides of grief, death, and decay. We’re so lucky to offer these poems to our readers.

~Marianne Worthington, poetry editor

Ace Boggess
“How Canst Thou Endure Without Being Mad?”

Jeanne Bryner
Washing My Sister's Back

Jeff Hardin
Contemporary Poetry

Nancy K. Jentsch
A Night on Sexton's Creek

James Patrick Long
My Daughter See Her Future

Sally Stewart Mohney
After baptism: the quickening

Amy Le Ann Richardson
Maybe We Should Have Listened

Sandra Vrana
Voyage Out

Karen J. Weyant
Finding Crybaby Bridge

Frederick Wilbur
Love's Fire

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