Poetry by Lisa M. Miller


  after Dr. Carl Sagan, for Raven Run Nature Sanctuary, Lexington, Kentucky

Moss fancy tree feet

dressed for a party

July sweet

where fat beads of light 

find the forest floor, and me, 

meandering, pausing

in cicada surround sound, wild 

turkey mumblings, an iridescent green beetle— 

this breathing timberland.

Now a red shouldered hawk 

takes a solo, somehow 

he’s found a microphone in the forest.

In this sanctuary, 

creek water and limestone  

wave a magic mirror 

and the clouds, a slow-moving film strip

show me 

this is my pale blue dot.


“Perennial” first appeared in Woe & Awe by Lisa M. Miller (Accents Publishing, 2024). Used with permission. 

Lisa M. Miller is an inclusive, trauma-informed, community-building artist. Her long-time mentors are Indigenous medicine healers. Trained as a clinical non-denominational chaplain, specializing in mind-body health, she facilitates support groups and a variety of art and writing workshops that bring to life perennial wisdom teachings—a compass for meaning, intuition, and well-being. Lisa is an empty nester, living in Lexington, Kentucky, married to her 1986 summer camp sweetheart. Her full-length manuscript is Woe & Awe (Accents Publishing, 2024).