Victoria Sullivan 


You do not overlook my flaws,

do not dismiss them, but instead

flatten them out, fold them into

paper cranes, and toss them

to the four winds. Your hands,

not especially deft but

full of diligence, know how

to create crisp creases,

which corners to pull and

which edges to sharpen to

ensure that each fault 

does not fall flat, but

expands into something with 

substance and life. You toss

them up, and they soar,

saffron and jade and crimson

against the slate grey sky,

against your blue eye,

and I blink away the sun 

rising over the riverbed. 


Victoria Sullivan is a emerging poet and writer of fiction from Vanceburg, Kentucky.  She is a senior at Transylvania University majoring in English Literature, and currently resides in Lexington. “Origami” is her debut publication. 


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