Sonja Johanson
I care, about the language, the shape
vowels take, slipping from your tongue,
obsidian, sleek, volcanic; the way you see
my words written as I speak them to you;
insistent buzzing of your voice behind
my ears as I read your hand; our breath
breezing out the window; flocks of starlings
passing, wheeling apart, together, apart, up.
Sonja Johanson attended College of the Atlantic, in Bar Harbor, Maine., and currently serves as the Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator for the Massachusetts Master Gardener Association. She has recent work appearing in The Albatross, Off the Coast, and Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Remixed, and was a participating writer in The Found Poetry Review’s 2014 Oulipost Project. Sonja divides her time between work in Massachusetts and her home in the mountains of western Maine.
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