Larry Thacker
Wind whispers the only word
it remembers over the glass.
Outside is an expanding math
problem of flurries and fog
and ice sparkle, revealing
the wind’s hiding places,
white tornadoes dancing
across an empty parking lot,
the hills fading and moaning
back into sleep, the white crows
gathering up one another
to cipher their discoveries.
Larry D. Thacker is an Appalachian writer and artist. His poetry can be found in past issues of Still: The Journal, The Emancipator, Motif 2, Full of Crow, Kudzu, Country Grind, The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume VI: Tennessee, Mojave River Review, Fried Chicken and Coffee, and Appalachian Heritage. He is the author of Mountain Mysteries: The Mystic Traditions of Appalachia and the poetry chapbook, Voice Hunting. He serves as Associate Dean of Students at Lincoln Memorial University.