Featured Artist 

Jeanne Marie Hibberd 

Photographer Jeanne Marie Hibberd has worked in the nonprofit and community development field, mostly in the Appalachian region. She has a BA in Philosophy from Berea College and lives in Kentucky.

Artist's Statement: 

A camera is a great tool for discovering joy in its many forms and sharing that joy with others. I don’t care much for the technical side of photography, but I love capturing what my heart sees. Some of the very best writers I know have said they write, because they can’t not write. I feel that way about taking pictures. The “Like Peas in a Pod” series was shot using the Hipstamatic photo application on my iPhone. I am grateful to photographers Malcolm J. Wilson and Jennifer Molley Wilson for teaching me how to see in a new way.

~Jeanne Marie Hibberd, 2014

 (All images @Jeanne Marie Hibberd and used by permission of the artist)