Featured Artist

Cyndi Williams

Cyndi Williams is a multi-faceted artist with a keen eye for photography. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

Artist's Statement

I love photos that capture a moment when the energy hangs in the air like a ghost of what has happened or is about to be.

I started carrying my mom's camera when I was about two years old, so I would not have to talk directly to adults. I felt more comfortable addressing them by looking through the magic window of the Brownie camera, even when there was no film. My first photo was of my dad sleeping on a Sunday morning. I hoped that when the picture came back, I'd be able to see his dream.

In college, I studied photography and sculpture, got a BFA in Fine Art Photography. For a long while, I made a living doing commercial photography in advertising, portraits and the music industry in Nashville. I did not like that I lost my joy for it.

So, I became a Production Designer and Art Director for music videos, commercials and films so I could go back to doing photography for myself between jobs. Now I am happy again.

~Cyndi Williams, 2012

 (All images @Cyndi Williams and used by permission of the artist)